Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wahoo! Another 2 down!

So, today is one of those days in a student's life that is sweet and delightful...that brings joy and a sense of accomplishment...yup that's right..'handing in essays day.' Today it was two, hopefully by Friday yet one more...all in advance of due dates I might add - that's right, procrastination has finally been nipped in the bud, only took about 15 years of studentdom. Still have no response back from my Autumn lecturers so have only informal critique of my writing skills. Slighly nerve racking but will try to be brave and optimistic. Oh, and its raining pink petals today...all the blossoming trees in the neighbourhood are shedding, so much so that one spot on my walk to college feels like trudging through pink snow...but its not cold and sticky and that's the greatest thing ever!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

24/3 Prayer Update

Well, the 24/3 prayer event was a success! About 30 students, staff and faculty joined in prayer throughout the days (and nights) and we had a great finale with Communion and a meal together on the Friday, about 20 of us all together. Hope to have pictures soon of our "wall of hope" artwork that several contributed to during their time spent in the chapel. Success means that our NTC family prayed together for our campus, surrounding community and the greater Manchester area. Themes of reconciliation and unity emerged along with real hope and anticipation for the future, in sharing our witness and 'giving a reason for the hope that we have.'